Thursday, February 28, 2013

Annas Candles making paraffin candles

My first candle business was called Anna's Candles. I made all kinds of paraffin candles and tarts. I really enjoyed being very creative. Here is a bride and groom candle I made using cabernet fragrance.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My love for wax

Bakery Candles by Anna Campbell
My wonderful husband bought me a candle making kit about a million years ago for my birthday. He didn't know it at the time, but he helped start an addiction that I am still happily working to perfect!

I have learned my way through paraffin waxes and I am not going through the world of soy wax. I will be sharing my tips and tricks of making candles and tarts.

The beauty of wax is that as long as we keep dreaming, the possibilities of what we can create are truly endless!

I am so excited to have you join me on this journey. I would love to hear about what waxy adventures you are up to or would like to learn about!

My love for paper

Reading books and falling in love with paper
I have always had a fascination about paper. I can remember tucked in a blanket in my closet reading an old children's book and smelling the fresh bread my mother was making in the kitchen.

I can still remember touching the pages as I read the simple words and admired the images. The happiness and peace I felt still comes back to me everytime I sit down and open and old book and trace my fingers over the pages.

What are your memories as a child about books or paper?